Illusion and reality
Everyone wants a long life but no one wants to get old. Despite this, we take a look at growing old in the Dossier section of this web magazine. The ageing society is, after all, a reality. The term “silver society” describes the fundamental change coming about in age structure, constituting one of the key megatrends of our time. We show you what ZHAW researchers have to say on the subject of “old age”.
What springs to mind when you think about “old age”? Or even about your own old age? I think of those pensioners who overtake me with a friendly «Hello» when I’m out walking, dragging myself up to the summit and wiping the sweat off my brow. I’d like to be that fit when I’m 65 plus! I look forward to deciding for myself how to spend my time once I’m retired, although it has to be said that the senior citizens I know never have any time. They have to travel, give concerts, look after grandchildren, tutor schoolchildren, coach start-up founders, visit the lonely in retirement homes or simply save the world.
What springs to mind when you think about old age? For our illustrator Till Martin, the question conjured up an image of the autumn of life. His interpretation in the cover picture (see above) depicts elderly people floating gently into life on golden parachutes. Others are caught up by a gust of wind and profoundly shaken up.
Presumably, we will soon be voting on the AHV 21 reform, which includes provision for a flexible retirement age. Not much public debate has taken place about flexibilisation, suggesting that it is undisputed. Take a look at our Pros and Cons Contributions by two ZHAW experts to see what’s at stake.
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