Here’s to regeneration
According to the WWF, if everyone were to live like we do in Switzerland, we would need 2.8 Earths. Going without certain things, however, will not be enough on its own to halt the downward spiral. We need to get down to work and actively repair our planet with innovative solutions.

A place where deer and herons feel completely at home. A natural oasis in which plants and animals, as well as people, can recover from the “impositions of life.” This is graphic designer Til Martin’s idea for the cover image of the latest edition of our Dossier dedicated to the topic of regeneration. However, this idyll is spoiled by a bridge pillar – symbolising the tension between humankind and its natural environment, which is in urgent need of regeneration. The topic of regeneration is on an ever-increasing number of lips, as shown by the word development curve of the “Digital Dictionary of the German Language” (DWDS), which has been on a sharp upward trajectory since 2000. Given the crises, wars and conflicts of our time, this comes as no surprise. People are longing for regeneration. The term is synonymous with renewal and revitalisation – currently a major topic in many areas of life and a challenge for research in various disciplines: regenerative energies, regenerative agriculture, regenerative food systems, regenerative resources and regenerative cities as well as physical and psychological regeneration in the face of the mental strain and persistent stress we are exposed to are all in demand. In keeping with the subject matter of our Dossier, we will in future no longer use recycled film when we send the magazine to your contact address. And there’s another change too. With this edition, I am bidding you, our valued readers, farewell. After 12 exciting years and 48 editions, I am starting a new chapter in my professional career. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the unwavering interest you have shown in our magazine. Be sure to remain curious and upbeat during this time of upheaval. Perhaps you will come across ideas for your own regeneration in the texts included in this current edition or the photo series of Corandin Frei.
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